We work specifically with not-for-profits/social enterprises and creatives and have developed many good and lasting partnerships with them.
Whether your passion is for the arts, for supporting and empowering those with a particular need or helping animals, we can help. Your organisation is creating ‘profit for purpose’ as opposed to profit for wealth and we know that understanding and effectively managing your finances are critical to advance your mission. As well as lifting some of the burdens that come with financial management, we can help you learn what is and isn’t working in terms of your finances, your options, and your opportunities. Crucially, we can do this in a way that complements your goals.
What all of these organisations have in common is a mission and a passion to deliver it and this is an environment we understand and where we feel we can make the biggest impact. That is why we always go the extra mile.
(Community Interest Companies)
Running a charity requires superhuman multitasking abilities and specialist accounting knowledge. Seldom do the two skills reside in one person so we will happily provide the specialist knowledge you don’t have the time to learn. We started Miss S to help charities to manage their regulatory burden on a limited budget and we also offer a number of training packages for Charities so that we can help empower them. Visit our Services page for more information.
Miss S are fortunate to have a creative on staff. Tracey is a sculptor and has been both Finance Manager and CEO of an arts charity. She understands how the creative mind works and that generally numbers, forms and finding funding, will get left on the shelf all the while that there is something creative to do. So, we let Tracey talk to the creatives and somehow, in amongst the circuitous chatter about inspiration, materials, life the universe and everything, accounting facts are explained, and key details collected. The rest of us have no idea how she does it. To find out more go to our Services page.
helping others
We realise that not all not-for-profits can afford to pay a consultant’s fee for help developing a business plan, writing a grant application or creating a marketing strategy, so Miss S gives away one day a month to a not-for-profit that needs this kind of help.
Through 2020 and 2021 we have helped, amongst others:
- An arts organisation improve their impact assessments by giving free training on the Theory Of Change Model
- A child safety charity to find funding and build a funding strategy
- A charity supporting victims of domestic abuse by becoming a Trustee Treasurer and working with the Board of Trustees on a monthly basis
- A CIC improve their application for National Lottery Funding
- A food rescue charity to understand Sage software and how to use it
- Another charity supporting women affected by domestic abuse to prepare all the documents and information to submit their registration to become a CIO
- A mental wellbeing CIC complete their registration to become a CIC
- A unique special school create robust budgets
In addition to this, we wrote and circulated endless emails to current clients and connections about furloughing staff, bounce back loans, grants and help available to them, which seemed to change every week. The Covid pandemic made us very busy trying to keep our clients afloat and feeling safe when the world seemed to be crashing around them. None of this additional work was charged for. We considered it part of our client service. We continued to calculate and submit CJRS/Furlough Claims free of charge right up to September 2021.